Saturday, May 16, 2009

Reforms in Indian Politics

Politics has become so much commercialised and is being considered one of the profitable careers in India. Is politics not a social service career? And commercials to that were later added to encourage people to come in and serve the people and just to give a recognition to their work.

But today it has become like for the kind of whooping power the positions in politics give people have started to think and treat this as a professional career.

Corrupted to the core. No sight of reprieve. What can be done and how to revive the glory of politics and get leaders who can work for us for the people of India and for the pride of serving others and not for the power and the money attached to it.

Why not the Indian politicians and the system think and come out with some effective plans to reform the political system and thus provide us with some real leaders to transform India into a super power.

Some ideas that came to my mind

1. A minimum qualification for Local Body Representatives, MLA, MP
2. Retirement age for the elders thus preventing them from contesting the elections after certain age. They can be very well in the advisory boards.
3. No first timers in State or Central politics. They should have atleast contested in any of the local body elections before contesting for MLA/MP.
4. No first time Ministers. They should have atleasted contested the previous election for MLA/MP.
5. Keep track of their property and their family's property.
6. Property and wealth details should be declared openly and should be tracked henceforth every year. Like any corporates yearly audit statement every MLAs/MPs audit statements should be publicised in media every year.
7. This audit report should have a clear mention of the performance report based on the commitments they gave during elections.
8. Citizens should have facility to call back their MLA/MP if the given promises are not met.
9. MP/MLA should conduct a public meeting(not propaganda meeting) but an interaction session to answer the queries of citizens of his/her constituency every month. He/She should have visited atleast 10 times to every panchayat in his constituency during his tenure as MLA/MP
10. Following these audit reports there should be a minimum points and based on it it should be decided that whether he/she can contest in the next elections. If not eligible to contest the following election then should not be able to contest the following 10 years or so.
11. Every MLA/MP should be provided with a toll free number and it should be answered either by him personal or his official personal secretary.
12. Every MLA/MP should have a website where anyone should be able to post their queries or grievance and he.she personally should be answering those within specific time say one week or so to those and report back on actions taken on that query.
13. Election commission should take care of Election expense of all the candidates for which the candidates pay the Election commission. If bribing for votes is proved immediate disqualification of the candidate should be the only and final punishment and should be terminated from politics at any stage.

More such ideas comes to a layman like me. But what are the intellectuals sitting up there doing. Are they scared of implementing these kind of reforms for their selfishness. Do we need to fight once again for another independance.

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