Saturday, May 16, 2009

Religion and God


God is someone to whom we go when all our ways or solutions to a problem gets dried up and literally we dont know what to do and how to do. God used to be the strong persons in in specific area thats is what we call "Kula Theivam" "Ooru Theivam" Heroics of them spreads and they became established in a larger geographical area. Thats how we initially had mariatha, muneeswaran as our god. Then came Shiva, muruga. pillayar, perumal. ramar, krishnan, Aiyyappan and all. Originated in a specific location and then over centuries spread to wider geographic area. Same was Buddha, Jain and GuruNanak spread as the latest in India. We started to believe in all Gods like mariatha, murugan, shiva, perumal, budha, guru nanak equally. Then came Allah from out of the sub continent. Initially it was forced into Indians and then started to spread. Then came Jesus and his heroics then became to spread. Instead of making us to accept him people who follow jesus are trying to force him us.


Its nothing but collection of habits and customs being followed by people in a specific area. These culture best suits only to that area based on climate and geographical proximity. Due to spread of people and resettlement of people in different areas these cultures called religion was carried along with them and was being spread to other places.

Then as usual ego clash on who is bigger and who is right brought the clashes among the religions and in the name of God. This is my prediction about God and Religion. Still Iam a believer of God some super natural power controlling the worlds activities.

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